Sunday, September 30, 2018

Introduction about me.....

Introduction about me......

*My name is Jeevessh Nair and I'm basically a Gaming please Subscribe to my channel and like all the videos.I'll leave my channel's link below.
My Channel-
YouTube Name-JeePlayZElite

This blog is about Science And Technology-Astronomy.I created this blog to share my thoughts and my studies about Science and Astronomy.Eventhough I'm a gamer I love studying about science because it is more fun and more interesting.If you hate science you'll lose your knowledge and your ability to study interesting things.Science is also an important subject in your daily studies.In the begining I also hate Science but later then I started to love it.I'm just a 13 year old boy.

Importance of Science

-Science provides scientific knowledge to humans.It helps us to understand ourselves and our enviroment and also helps us to solve daily problems.It contributes to new discoveries and invention of new technology and opens up opportunities for science-based careers.

Related imageFields of Science
